That Which You Control

There are only ten things in your life that you can control:

1. What you do. You cannot control others. Let them go and give them back to themselves.

2. What you say. You cannot control what others say to you. Let what they say go and give their words back to them.

3. What you think. You cannot control how others think about you. Let what they think about you go and give their thoughts back to them.

4. Your work. You cannot control others performance. Let their performance go and give it back to them.

5. The people you associate with. You cannot control who will and will not be your friend. Let negative influences go and give their negativity back to them.

6. Your basic physical health. You cannot control others personal health. Let their issues go and give it back to them.

7. The environment you live in. You cannot control others choices. Let their choices go and give their choices back to them.

8. Your finances. You cannot control others finances. Let their finance issues go and give it back to them.

9. Your time. You cannot control how others wish to spend their time. Let it go and give their life back to them.

10. You cannot control what others wish to do with their lives. Let it go and give their life back to them.

Letting go is about getting rid of the need to control anything and everything that is not on the above list. If it is not within your power to change it, control it, or alter it, then let go of it! Period. Try it right now, and feel the tranquility that comes with releasing those which we cannot control, and the peace in giving them back to themselves.


2 responses to “That Which You Control”

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